IDENTI.NET Internet + Software Services GmbH Sebastianweg 5 A-6971 Hard Tel: +43 (0)5574 82232 Fax: +43 (0)5574 82232 20
Mail: facette@identi.net Web: www.facette.com
Managing Director: Walter Maschner
Registered Business Number: FN 202431v, Handelsgericht Feldkirch VAT-ID: ATU 51084801
Trademarks: Facette is a registered trademark of IDENTI.NET Internet + Software Services GmbH. Windows NT, Windows XP and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Photoshop is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Image Copyrights: Example images of official facial composites are published by approval of the authorities in question.
Liability note: IDENTI.NET is not liable for the contents of external links. The respective supplier is responsible for the contents.
Design and programming: www.piranhadesign.net